LetsGoals App- Individual Project

Natalia Avellaneda
4 min readNov 3, 2021

Case Study - Ironhack Bootcamp

We are in the fifth week of our UX-UI Bootcamp and we must create an application “Wellness’’.

UX Design

As we already know, one of the main problems that we all have is that of not being able to save, not being able to fulfil dreams and goals that in the end we end up abandoning because we simply do not have time, energy and something that motivates us and reminds us every day that we must fight to fulfil them.
This is why I will show you how our Let’sGoals process was.UX Design

To start with, I wanted to research behaviour and how users make decisions to save and set their goals and objectives. Know what their main frustrations and their needs are, and how we could ensure that they can enjoy incredible moments without worrying about money and that in turn, they can build strong habits of saving, perseverance and discipline, and always find the motivation that they need at hand. need.
By researching surveys and interviews, we were able to confirm that the main frustrations of users in these types of situations are:

  • Lack of time
  • Unnecessary expenses
  • Low pay
  • Too many financial responsibilities
  • Lack of motivation
  • Poor management of your expenses
  • Lack of organization
Photo by UX Indonesia on Unsplash

Then I did the Competitor Analysis, which helped me identify that some savings applications inform the user of their expenses and how much money they have in their account. But it would be interesting if users could have something that makes them feel motivated and reminds them of what they have achieved with their savings.

In order to be more clear about our users and the business problem, we have resorted to the use of some tools that helped us organize the data of our research, such as The Affinity Map that allowed us to find behaviour patterns in our users and their frustrations. The Lean UX Canvas helped us frame our research as a business problem that we must solve, having clear and timely data. We also took the opportunity to build The User Scenario and The User Journey that allowed us to create a real user situation, in which frustrations are reflected before using the application and their reactions to solutions after using the new digital product. Following this, we were able to create our User Persona which helped us to have a clearer profile of our user.

Photo by FORTYTWO on Unsplash

After finishing the above process, we can start designing our digital product. For this, we have carried out a Brainstorming where we were able to capture all our ideas and functionalities that could possibly be included in the App.
Then we decided to carry out The Moscow Method, which helped us to identify the important aspects that we should prioritize in creating our digital product.
This is one of the funniest parts of this process where we begin to make the possible flow that our users would have with the application and to devise how their content could be organized.
Then we did the Crazy 8 where we were able to let all our imagination run wild to structure the design of the application,Crazy’8,



UI Design


According to the results, we were inspired to create the new LetsGoal’s Savings App.
First, we have designed a Mood Board with the colours and some images that describe the style we want to convey, and see what they think and what it transmits. And as a result of this first test, users believe that the style conveys an intelligent, technological and dreamy air. This led us to define what kind of colours could be consistent. We chose the Fonts and Alignment. Then we create The Style Tile that allows us to summarize the design decisions we have made previously. This helps us see what our design is processing.



This is why Let’sGoal’s App is inspired so that we can all enjoy life as we have always dreamed of it.

Thank you :)

